Victoria QR Code Contact Tracer

Frequently Asked Questions

What if visitors and patrons can’t scan the QR code? We’ve attached the printout form provided by the Victorian State Government for this information to be captured in a written format. You should print this out to cater for these visitors and patrons.

How do I access the visitor and patron contacts log? You can access the log at any time at the above link.

How do I share my records with staff? Once you’ve opened the log, select File / Share and add the emails of the staff who you want to give access to.

Who owns the data? You own the data and you control who can view and edit it. It is your responsibility to validate that the data is correctly captured for contact tracing purposes. We are only providing a means to capture this information in a contactless manner.

What’s the catch? There is none. This service costs very little for us to run but the impact for the community could be significant, so we are offering it for free. Our hope is that, when a technology need arises for your business, you will consider us first.

How long is the data kept for? In line with Victorian State Government guidelines, the data will be deleted automatically after 28 days.

How do I end this service? Remove the QR codes displayed at your premises. Send us an email and we will deactivate the service.